Monday, August 31, 2009
Big L Documentary
reasons why men won't call us back lmao
10) We smashed you off too quickly, the mystique is gone: If we meet you on Friday, and hit dat on Monday…then you’re classified as a jump-off, and jump-offs require the bare minimum of conversations. As a matter of fact, we probably have you saved in our cell phones as “Jump-off from Friday.”
9)We Just Left You- If you and I just went out on a date, I’m not going to sit on the phone with you unless you’re telling me to come back over so I can blow your back out. Otherwise, get acquainted with my voicemail.
8) We are talking to someone more interesting- And by more interesting, I mean “New Pussy.” New pussy takes precedence over all old pussy phone calls, texts, and faxes. Play your position, toots.
7) We are watching Porn- Or football, Basketball, or catching up on ESPN. If you are lucky, I’ll call you back after Sportscenter, or after Roxy Reynolds swallows.
6) We are NOT your HOMEGIRLS- We don’t want to listen to you recap what happened on your dance shows, your VH1 reality shows, or your real housewives shows. 5 minutes into the conversation we know how the next 2 hours will go if we allow it, so we hit you with “Ima call you RIGHT back…” But we won’t.
5) Something Important Came up- Our brother got locked up and we had to bail him out. Our Ex caught a flat and is willing to pay in coochie coupons if we help her out. Grandma is making dinner and we are starving. Men have very sporadic lives; please don’t judge us for being spontaneously unavailable.
4) You are a groupie- 7 out of 10 women that you meet in the club/bar are groupies. Men love groupies because of their convenience. However, we hate speaking, conversing, and chit chatting with groupies. Other things we love about you are the naked camera phone pictures and videos that you send us that we share with our boys. A simple 2 minute conversation is all the time that we have allotted for a groupie, anything else can be said in person as we mush the back of your heads into our crotch area.
3)We are on OVERLOAD- Dammit you g-chat us, send us direct messages on twitter, comment on every damn thing we post on Facebook, and now you want us to spend our precious free time talking to you on the phone all night? Can we live?
2) We are trying to conduct business- How am I going to take you to all of these nice places that I’m lying about taking you to if I am on the phone with you all evening instead of working? Men are business driven; we have to have time to work. If we spend all night rapping to you and no time brainstorming, then we’ll make no money and you’ll be sending the NEXT dude naked camera phone pictures.
1) You’re A Clinger- There is NOTHING worse than a clinger. If we just met and you are talking about baby names, matching tattoos, and changing your kid’s last name to mine, then you’ll last about 3 phone calls and at the max 15 texts. Never accept clingers as a friend on Facebook, they’ll be all up in your comments, your friends comments, and THEIR friends comment walls, fishing for info
random rant.
-Still haven't listened to/bought Trey's album. Does that make me a bad fan?
-Chris Brown will appear on Larry King live. Supposedly he said he doesn't remember whooping Rihanna's ass. And the laughter continues...
Saturday, August 29, 2009
I'm the one...


Wednesday, August 26, 2009
shawty like my swagger...
Venus & Serena do Miami

Serena and Venus Williams recently became the first African American females to become part owners of the NFL football team, the Miami Dolphins. Get it girls!
Laura Winslow gets married!
who doesn't long for someone to hold?
Soulmate Video
Chris Brown sentenced

Yesterday Chris Brown was sentenced to five years of probation and 180 days of community labor to be served at the Commonwealth Catholic Charities in Richmond, Virginia. He also must pay $2,500 in restitution and another $2,500 in probation expenses and pay a $30 criminal conviction fee and $400 that goes into a domestic violence fund.
Had he been anyone else, he would've faced a maximum of five years in prison had he been convicted. But go figure right? Chris beats the shit out of Rihanna, gets probation; Plaxico Burress shoots HIMSELF and gets 2 years in jail. Chris mollywhops Rhi Rhi upside her damn head, gets 180 community labor; Michael Vick fights some dogs, gets 23 months in jail.
Isn't our judicial system great?
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
random rant
-When will Diddy just admit that he's fucking Cassie? Not that the admission will shock any of us.
-Happy birthday to my fellow CMB member, Sandi!
-Lloyd finally left The Inc and is working on a new album. Yes! I heard his last one hasn't even gone gold yet...
-Trey Songz' new album "READY" has been leaked. Fucking fuckers. I won't download it, I'm going to go buy the real copy. But it was slated for a Sept. 1st release, now its back to August 31st. How many times yall gonna change the date?!
smh and the foolishness continues....
Murray said he feared Jackson was becoming addicted and began weaning him off the drugs by lowering the dosage to 25 milligrams and mixing it with two other sedatives, Lorazepam and Midazolam.
This man deserves to rot in hell with the devil. I believe he is responsible for MJ's death and no one can tell me different.
R.I.P Aaliyah
She Don't Want a Man
Sunday, August 23, 2009
remember this?
really o?

smh ladies....
And ladies, stop believing every little thing you hear. You better have some solid evidence of whatever it is you're ready to accuse someone of. You may just find out that whatever you heard, is completely wrong. And if you're such a "bad bitch" you wouldn't be so threatened by the next chick. Obviously there's some insecurities issues going on here.
I just needed to vent in light of recent events. I hate chicks who always want to fight the next because THEIR man is doing dirt. Stupid bitch, he's been cheating on you the entire time you've been together, why are you still with him putting up with the bull?
-When will people realize how great Sammie is? He's one of the best male vocalist in the game right now but he's so underrated. People need to stop sleeping on him.
-I hope to God this third album for Trey is his ticket to superstardom. It's been a long time coming for him and I feel he deserves everything he gets. Butttt I'mma need for him to put out a new video so these music channels and radio stations stop playing that annoying ass "I Need a Girl"
-Why was the "Run This Town" video so damn blah? I was so into it because I love the song and I was waiting for them to take over an actual town, for it to be a showdown between Jay, Kanye, & Rihanna and some others or something but got nothing. It was just a whole bunch of black people in black. The hell?
Bad Habits
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
because i simply adore them.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
sorry =(
thanks for still rocking with me =)
he's back
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Saturday, August 8, 2009
every time i look at a celeb, male or female, sometimes i wonder if they have a good sex life. like, there's absolutely no doubt in my mind that trey (as in songz) has a crazy sex life. i just know it...if he doesn', that would put such a damper on all my dreams. i wanna believe that kanye's sex life is hot because 1.) he's dating hot ass amber rose 2.) he says things in his lyrics that make me think "damn 'ye...its like that?" 3.) he has such great music. he BETTER have a good sex game.
i think bow wow's sex would be such a disappointment. i dont know why but i just...i...i just can't. i dont see him putting it on anyone. i really dont. love him, but no. and nelly....whoaaa nelly. i used to want to smash sooo bad back in the day but now? nope. if i had the choice between fucking and looking at him, i'd stare all night. he just looks like he'd fuck you good for about five minutes, nut, then kick your ass out. that's definitely no bueno.
sheesh...its amazing how when you're not getting any how much you think about sex. celibacy sucks.
Friday, August 7, 2009
Thursday, August 6, 2009
baby's first photoshoot.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
for those in need of a great laugh...
Monday, August 3, 2009
straight from the horse's mouth.
This bottle of Opus One is low but my spirits are high my friends. I am about 2 hours away from Toronto, CA where I will be spending the next chunk of time recovering from a surgery that I now must have. I embarked on this tour with a torn ACL, MCL, and LCL and due to the events that happened the other night lord only knows what other damage I have done. On the bright side I will begin the reflecting and soul searching that its going to take to make this album and my outfit on the night I fell was crack. I will forever push myself beyond the limits despite advice and recommendations given because even with this new found success I am still the kid who wanted this more than anything in the world. Its funny when I read comments from previous fans who have lost interest because of the radio play and exposure I have. I just want to assure anyone reading that nothing has changed on my end. I refuse to get comfortable, I refuse to fall in line and follow anyone elses formulas. I still work as if So Far Gone had never dropped and I’m still trying to figure out how I’m going to gain entry to this game.
“Missing someone gets easier everyday. Because, even though it is one day further from the last time you saw each other, it is one day closer to the next time you will”
See you soon.