I decided to do another one because I heard the song and remembered just how much I love the song and D'Angelo. I wish he would make his comeback because he was so huge in the 90's and his albums were so classic. And I love AZ's verse. His eyes are so pretty lol and D'Angelo's daughter is so precious. I just love this video.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
throwback video.
I swear 112's "Anywhere" has to be one of the sexiest songs and videos ever. When it comes on and the moment the beat drops, I instinctively move my hips. 112 was the shit during the 90's and pairing up with the ultra sexy Lil'Zane [I think my thing for lightskins started with him...] was a very good look. I miss all of them. Watching this video makes me want to get next to that special someone but of course....he's nowhere to be found. Barnacles =[
new britney
Now for the past month or so I've been hearing a lot about this song "3," the latest from Ms. Britney Spears. Ever since she's come back on the scene with the new album, she's dropped nothing but hits. I've loved every song, every video, and Britney looked great. So I expected nothing less than greatness from this video. Wrong. I'm not as impressed with this song or video as I was with the others. Don't get me wrong, the song is still good and the video is cool but just not as good as the previous ones. Anyway, "3" is catchy and the black shoes she's wearing in the beginning; perfection. She looks very pretty in the video. Check it out.
Sorry for the Paramore video at the end but...who doesn't love Paramore? Bonus!
Sorry for the Paramore video at the end but...who doesn't love Paramore? Bonus!
Friday, October 30, 2009
empire state of mind video premiere.
Love it. I think I just have a thing for black and white videos. Makes me so proud to be from NY every time I hear this song.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
weird phobias.
I'm sure we've all seen at least one episode of Maury where they bring people on the show to talk to them about their phobias and try to get them to cope with it. Now, I'm deathly afraid of clowns...like, I literally freeze when I see one and I'm sure my heart stops until they're gone. This is a normal fear, even though my friends make fun of me all the time. I've been scared of them since I saw "Killer Klowns from Outter Space" and "IT" and when my dad scared the living daylights out of me with a killer clown mask when I was about 8. I won't look at them on TV, in person, I can't be near them, I don't wanna hear them honking their noses, I don't wanna see the rainbow hair...NOTHING! I will fuck a clown up if it ever comes near me [which I have]
Now...these people out here that are scared of mustard and cotton balls and q-tips are just ridiculous. It's insane to be scared of an inanimate object. What can mustard do to you?! Cotton balls don't make a sound! Q-Tips are to clean your ears! I honestly don't get it. I find it hilarious when I hear about these people being scared of mustard or syrup or some dumb shit like that. I have a perfectly valid reason for my fear of clowns. What possible reason can a person have for being scared of a cotton ball? It's just funny to me lmao suck it up!
Now...these people out here that are scared of mustard and cotton balls and q-tips are just ridiculous. It's insane to be scared of an inanimate object. What can mustard do to you?! Cotton balls don't make a sound! Q-Tips are to clean your ears! I honestly don't get it. I find it hilarious when I hear about these people being scared of mustard or syrup or some dumb shit like that. I have a perfectly valid reason for my fear of clowns. What possible reason can a person have for being scared of a cotton ball? It's just funny to me lmao suck it up!
teyana taylor-dope lips.
No, its not a song. It's her line of lip gloss! The homie Teyana Taylor has created her own line of lip gloss called "Dope Lips" and I, for one, may just purchase it. Line should be out in 2010. In the meantime, head over to the website http://www.dopelips.com/ and check out the pics. 

Love the ring she's rocking in the first two pics. Cute.
I need to write more songs. Right now, since I've semi-come out of my funk, I've written about four. For me, that's not a lot. I'm usually writing four a day not four over the span of two/three months. This is ridiculous. I haven't gotten my mojo back completely but I've been listening to different artists such as Adele, Muse, Mr. Hudson and a lot of reggae to become inspired. I'm going into the studio to record with a reggae artist soon [who's my boo! wait, isn't my...is he my boo? we need to establish that i see.] and this experience should be hella interesting to say the least.
Also buying an acoustic guitar soon. After I master that, its onto the piano in preparation for my transfer to a performing arts school. I told yall I'm a one-woman band! I'm serious!
I'm just so excited. These past two months have been HELL for me. I try not to let it show but I've been going through a lot and I need some happiness right now. Can't wait to get my new instruments =)
Also buying an acoustic guitar soon. After I master that, its onto the piano in preparation for my transfer to a performing arts school. I told yall I'm a one-woman band! I'm serious!
I'm just so excited. These past two months have been HELL for me. I try not to let it show but I've been going through a lot and I need some happiness right now. Can't wait to get my new instruments =)
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
fun facts!
- When you sneeze, all bodily functions stop ... even your heart!
- 40,000 Americans are injured by toilets each year. (okay sooo...can anyone explain how a toilet, an inanimate object, injures someone? Shitting too hard maybe?)
- Almonds are a member of the peach family. (....what?)
- Horses can't vomit and pigs can't look up in the sky. (hahaha sucks for them!)
- In Bali, men believed a woman would fall in love if her suitor fed her a certain kind of leaf incised with the image of a god who sported a very large penis. (lmaoo what?!)
- Getting dumped often leads to “frustration attraction,” which causes an individual to love the one who dumped him or her even more. (I don't know about that one. You dump me, I HATE YOU!)
- 40,000 Americans are injured by toilets each year. (okay sooo...can anyone explain how a toilet, an inanimate object, injures someone? Shitting too hard maybe?)
- Almonds are a member of the peach family. (....what?)
- Horses can't vomit and pigs can't look up in the sky. (hahaha sucks for them!)
- In Bali, men believed a woman would fall in love if her suitor fed her a certain kind of leaf incised with the image of a god who sported a very large penis. (lmaoo what?!)
- Getting dumped often leads to “frustration attraction,” which causes an individual to love the one who dumped him or her even more. (I don't know about that one. You dump me, I HATE YOU!)
computer love.
Let's face it: technology runs the world. From the cell phone craze (I GOTTA GET A BLACKBERRAYY!!) to having everything accessible through the internet including banking, a lot of us don't get out of the house anymore. Kids wanna spend more time watching Spongebob and the Fresh Beat Band (which my kids shall never watch) than going outside and getting down and dirty. I think its a little sad when people let technology run their lives. They sit behind a computer all day, they cancel plans with friends, they don't spend time with family, its just SICKENING.
Wake up call: these "friends" you have online, don't give a shit about you once they get away from the computer. Don't get so hung up on your "twitterfam" that you don't have any real friends outside of them. Some people I know will sit there and go to war with a person they've never met, defend them, the whole nine, then once the computer is off, they don't know what to do with themselves.
What, I ask, is wrong with you?
Finding balance is key people. Spend some time on your phone, on your computer but spend time to chill with friends, go to the movies, or play with your little brother or sister. Don't spend your whole life behind a screen or you'll find that you've become irrevelant in the real world.
Wake up call: these "friends" you have online, don't give a shit about you once they get away from the computer. Don't get so hung up on your "twitterfam" that you don't have any real friends outside of them. Some people I know will sit there and go to war with a person they've never met, defend them, the whole nine, then once the computer is off, they don't know what to do with themselves.
What, I ask, is wrong with you?
Finding balance is key people. Spend some time on your phone, on your computer but spend time to chill with friends, go to the movies, or play with your little brother or sister. Don't spend your whole life behind a screen or you'll find that you've become irrevelant in the real world.
Yes yall, it is that time again. It's Wet Panties Wednesday! I'm definitely gonna try and keep it up and not get sidetracked like I always do. So here you guys go...enjoy!
the cypher.
OMG....yo....I don't even know what to say. Mos Def, Black Thought and Em are so nasty with it! Em killed it! And my girl Nicki is so nice and cute with it. I love how animated she is...may have to add her to my girl crushes. Joe Budden was nice too...I just love it all.
cute couple =)
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
random rant of the week
-Congratulations to Philly Eagles QB Donovan McNabb and his wife Roxie. They're expecting their fourth child.
-Today, Chris Brown is set to premiere his new video "I Can Transform Ya" featuring Lil' Wayne & Swizzy. Wasn't feeling the song when I heard it but maybe the video will help it grow on me.
-Monica's new show "Still Standing" premieres tonight on BET. I'll be tuning in cause I love me some Mo.
-Speaking of Mo's....where the HELL is Lil' Mo? I love her and still bump "Meet The Girl Next Door" and I know she was supposedly working with Cash Money but I guess that fell through. Anyway, she needs to come on back to the music scene cause I miss her.
-Am I the only one who thinks Amerie sucks now? Like, she can sing but this new Amerie...nahh not feeling her one bit.
-So Lil' Wayne is going to jail.....am I the only one who doesn't care? Music needs a break from him. And I still miss the old "Fireman," mixtape Wayne.
-Today, Chris Brown is set to premiere his new video "I Can Transform Ya" featuring Lil' Wayne & Swizzy. Wasn't feeling the song when I heard it but maybe the video will help it grow on me.
-Monica's new show "Still Standing" premieres tonight on BET. I'll be tuning in cause I love me some Mo.
-Speaking of Mo's....where the HELL is Lil' Mo? I love her and still bump "Meet The Girl Next Door" and I know she was supposedly working with Cash Money but I guess that fell through. Anyway, she needs to come on back to the music scene cause I miss her.
-Am I the only one who thinks Amerie sucks now? Like, she can sing but this new Amerie...nahh not feeling her one bit.
-So Lil' Wayne is going to jail.....am I the only one who doesn't care? Music needs a break from him. And I still miss the old "Fireman," mixtape Wayne.
Sunday, October 25, 2009

what guys don't want to hear in bed.
What she says: "Is it in yet?"
What he's saying to himself: This phrase can be taken one of two ways: either you have an incredibly small instrument or she's accustomed to a much bigger piece of equipment. If it's your blue-veined piccolo that's the problem, well, that's showbiz, kid. You work with what you've got. If it's the concert hall, you might want to consider moving to venues that handle smaller bands and don't sell as many tickets.
What she says: "I want to watch you sleep."
What he's saying to himself: Hear that noise? She doesn't own a cuckoo clock. Those are the birds circling her head and warning you this chick is flightier than an airport on a holiday. Watching someone sleep is a step away from making dolls from their hair. Don't fall asleep. You may wake up bald or, worse, in a relationship with this head case.
What she says: "That's it?"
What he's saying to himself: Men and women have different definitions of sex. Men hope that while every romp might not be an Olympic spectacle, they will at least earn an "A" for effort. Having a woman ask if "that's it" is a pin prick to the ego balloon.
What she says: "My ex used to... "
What he's saying to himself: Nothing is a bigger mood-kill than hearing about her ex before, after, and especially during the act of humping and bumping. Sure, her ex might have done a couple of fantastic feats to help her achieve complete sextacy, but he also stole her debit card and buttered her best friend's muffin when she was at work. Remind her of those facts.
What she says: "It's my first time."
What he's saying to himself: It's a common misconception that all men want to be the first to conquer a virgin. This is true up until the age of 18. After that age, men want a woman with a little more experience (to make up for the fact they are still pretty clueless). A virgin in the sack means she will probably be both terrible at sex and emotional before, during, and after.
What she says: "Can't you just hold me?"
What he's saying to himself: It doesn't take much for men to get horny. A slight peek of cleavage, a quick rub of her thigh, even a stiff wind in a pair of comfy shorts can get the soldier at attention and ready to enter the war. When a guy is charged up and a woman just wants to cuddle, it's a huge ego and pocket rocket disarmer. Can't she cuddle with one of the hundred stuffed animals in her room?
What she says: "I read in a magazine that men like their anus touched."
What he's saying to himself: Ask to see that magazine. Roll it up, throw it in the garbage can, and burn it. You should tell her that she shouldn't believe everything she reads in magazines and that spot is strictly off limits...unless you are into that stuff.
What she says: "It happens to everyone."
What he's saying to himself: It does happen to everyone. But you don't give a damn about the rest of the world; you only care about the fact that you couldn't get your fun bone to join the party.
What he's saying to himself: This phrase can be taken one of two ways: either you have an incredibly small instrument or she's accustomed to a much bigger piece of equipment. If it's your blue-veined piccolo that's the problem, well, that's showbiz, kid. You work with what you've got. If it's the concert hall, you might want to consider moving to venues that handle smaller bands and don't sell as many tickets.
What she says: "I want to watch you sleep."
What he's saying to himself: Hear that noise? She doesn't own a cuckoo clock. Those are the birds circling her head and warning you this chick is flightier than an airport on a holiday. Watching someone sleep is a step away from making dolls from their hair. Don't fall asleep. You may wake up bald or, worse, in a relationship with this head case.
What she says: "That's it?"
What he's saying to himself: Men and women have different definitions of sex. Men hope that while every romp might not be an Olympic spectacle, they will at least earn an "A" for effort. Having a woman ask if "that's it" is a pin prick to the ego balloon.
What she says: "My ex used to... "
What he's saying to himself: Nothing is a bigger mood-kill than hearing about her ex before, after, and especially during the act of humping and bumping. Sure, her ex might have done a couple of fantastic feats to help her achieve complete sextacy, but he also stole her debit card and buttered her best friend's muffin when she was at work. Remind her of those facts.
What she says: "It's my first time."
What he's saying to himself: It's a common misconception that all men want to be the first to conquer a virgin. This is true up until the age of 18. After that age, men want a woman with a little more experience (to make up for the fact they are still pretty clueless). A virgin in the sack means she will probably be both terrible at sex and emotional before, during, and after.
What she says: "Can't you just hold me?"
What he's saying to himself: It doesn't take much for men to get horny. A slight peek of cleavage, a quick rub of her thigh, even a stiff wind in a pair of comfy shorts can get the soldier at attention and ready to enter the war. When a guy is charged up and a woman just wants to cuddle, it's a huge ego and pocket rocket disarmer. Can't she cuddle with one of the hundred stuffed animals in her room?
What she says: "I read in a magazine that men like their anus touched."
What he's saying to himself: Ask to see that magazine. Roll it up, throw it in the garbage can, and burn it. You should tell her that she shouldn't believe everything she reads in magazines and that spot is strictly off limits...unless you are into that stuff.
What she says: "It happens to everyone."
What he's saying to himself: It does happen to everyone. But you don't give a damn about the rest of the world; you only care about the fact that you couldn't get your fun bone to join the party.
michelle obama on jay leno.
She looks absolutely beautiful and who knew she had such a great sense of humor lol
jeff dunham.
Check out the Jeff Dunham Show on Comedy Central every Thursday at 9.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Friday, October 23, 2009
jason derulo.

I wasn't familiar with Jason until I saw a clip of his video on MTV and then I began my research. The 19 year old [yesss!] graduate of my future school [HOPEFULLY] NY American Musical and Dramatic Academy is trying to make a name for himself with the world even though many in the industry already know it. He's worked with such artists as Lil' Wayne, Mims, Akon, T-Pain, and the list goes on. His first single "Whatcha Say" has been on repeat on my iPod for about the last three weeks. This singer/songwriter/dancer/actor's performances have been getting rave reviews and it definitely helps that he's attractive *wink wink ladies* So check out his video below and follow him on twitter. twitter.com/jasonderulo
jason derulo,
rising star,
video premiere
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
we were once a fairytale
I don't even know what to really think about this Kanye West mini-movie. I laughed my ass off the entire time. I know this was supposedly marking the death of Kanye's ego buttt I couldn't get over how funny he was as a drunk. "Do you like this SONG?! This is myyy SONG!" lmfaoo but the blood and vomit were a bit much. And that...whatever you wanna call it in his hand...yeah...very dramatic. Just watch it for yourself. Directed by Spike Jonze.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
fun facts!
I'll probably do a few fun facts every week. And I know I been slipping HARD but Wet Panties Wednesday will be returning this week. Yes, yes yall!
*A female orgasm is a powerful painkiller (because of the release of endorphins), so headaches are in fact a bad excuse not to have sex.
*Longest Clitoris: recorded at 4 inches long and 1 inches diameter. (ew lmao if the average size of a man's penis is supposed to be six inches, then wtf?!)
*It is ancient legend that Cleopatra of the Nile had 2 orgasms a day and manufactured her diaphragm out of cow dung. (that's just nasty...minus the 2 orgasms a day haha!)
*In Cleveland, Ohio it is illegal to catch mice without a hunting license. (screw that. if i see a mouse in my crib, im catching it, license or no license.)
*The oldest piece of chewing gum is 9000 years old. (how incredibly disgusting.)
*A female orgasm is a powerful painkiller (because of the release of endorphins), so headaches are in fact a bad excuse not to have sex.
*Longest Clitoris: recorded at 4 inches long and 1 inches diameter. (ew lmao if the average size of a man's penis is supposed to be six inches, then wtf?!)
*It is ancient legend that Cleopatra of the Nile had 2 orgasms a day and manufactured her diaphragm out of cow dung. (that's just nasty...minus the 2 orgasms a day haha!)
*In Cleveland, Ohio it is illegal to catch mice without a hunting license. (screw that. if i see a mouse in my crib, im catching it, license or no license.)
*The oldest piece of chewing gum is 9000 years old. (how incredibly disgusting.)
oh HELL no.
i missed this because i had school but this is crazy. women who beat their men. no, no, no. this is ridiculous. i don't want a man who's gonna let me kick his ass but i don't want him beating mine either. this is just sad and i would bitch slap both these chicks if i was their man. i was so angry watching this because it was truly appalling and these women don't deserve to be with the men they say they love. check this episode of Tyra.
Monday, October 19, 2009
here it is folks.
The new video for my idol, Ms. Alicia Keys' new single off her upcoming album, The Element of Freedom, "Doesn't Mean Anything." Truly beautiful.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
my kind of man.
damn right. stick up for your woman. don't ever let another man lay hands on her and get away with it. loves it.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Friday, October 16, 2009
Thursday, October 15, 2009
new mario.
Mario's new video for his song "Thinkin About You." I like this song, love that the hair is back and I'm so glad to be getting away from "Break Up" mania. The song is so played out now. Audra Simmons, my homie from Rich Girl is playing the lead. But umm what's with everybody having Nuvo in their videos now? Nuvo is getting hella publicity from these artists. Anyway, "DNA" is in stores now. Cop that Mario album!
random rant of the week
-I was a bonafide Reggie Bush fan again until he got back with Kim Kardashian. No, Reggie, NO. You shall never have my support again. Booooo Saints!
-The Donda West Law has been passed in California. It requires medical doctors to do thorough health checks/physicals to patients before that patient undergoes plastic surgery.
-Beyonce is putting out a video for "Video Phone" and supposedly Lady Gaga will be in the video/on the song. Can you say fuck yeah?
-This whole Usher & Tameka situation is super annoying. WHY were they ever marrried? I do NOT feel bad for Usher because everyone was against this union, even his mother, and he didn't listen. Everything he gets, he deserves. And Tameka, you're a smart little cookie. Two babies by him? Girl, you set for life. Get it.
-So N.E.R.D has added a female to the group. Sweet. Loved them without a girl but whatever. And I can't wait for a video to their song "Soldier" with Santogold even though the song is old.
-"For the Love of Ray J" and "I Want to Work for Diddy" are coming back for another season. I, for one, will not be watching....again.
R.I.P Capt. Lou Albano
-The Donda West Law has been passed in California. It requires medical doctors to do thorough health checks/physicals to patients before that patient undergoes plastic surgery.
-Beyonce is putting out a video for "Video Phone" and supposedly Lady Gaga will be in the video/on the song. Can you say fuck yeah?
-This whole Usher & Tameka situation is super annoying. WHY were they ever marrried? I do NOT feel bad for Usher because everyone was against this union, even his mother, and he didn't listen. Everything he gets, he deserves. And Tameka, you're a smart little cookie. Two babies by him? Girl, you set for life. Get it.
-So N.E.R.D has added a female to the group. Sweet. Loved them without a girl but whatever. And I can't wait for a video to their song "Soldier" with Santogold even though the song is old.
-"For the Love of Ray J" and "I Want to Work for Diddy" are coming back for another season. I, for one, will not be watching....again.
R.I.P Capt. Lou Albano
michelle and barack obama dolls.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
give you sex therapy.
Robin Thicke is back with a sexy new single called "Sex Therapy" and all I can say is he's killing it. Every time I hear this song I just wanna hip roll lol very well done Mr. Thicke.
Monday, October 12, 2009
Rock City
I've been huge fans of these two dudes since hearing their smash hit "Losing It." A lot of people have been sleeping on them and if you're one of those people, please go and do your homework about this brother duo because I guarantee they've probably produced or penned a hit for one of your favorite singers. Jennifer Hudson's "If This Isn't Love," Sean Kingston's "Take You There," The Pussycat Dolls' "When I Grow Up," Mario's "Music For Love." Yeah, that was all them. They've been on the scene for quite some time and I feel they haven't gotten the props they deserve. Timothy aka Don't Talk Much (the one with the braids) and Theron aka Da Spokesman are two funny, creative, and down to earth dudes. They are incredibly talented and their music is fun and catchy and the beats are infectious and their new single "You Are" is no exception. If you don't have any Rock City on your iPod (also known as R. City for downloading purposes) please go and download some of their music ASAP. And when you hear that "right about now..." on a track, you already know what it is. PUT THE FUCKIN ALBUM OUT!
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Saturday, October 10, 2009
isn't he gorgeous?!
god must have it out for my friends.
another one of my best friends just got into a car accident. bastard ran her into a divider. thank goodness she's okay. damn, kind of makes me not want to get a car [yeah right]
Friday, October 9, 2009

Lady Gaga is gearing up to re-release her debut album with 8 new songs. The album cover is so "The Ring-ish" but I love it. "Bad Romance" is the first single off the album. Go download it, get ready to cop it November 24th.
Special thanks to lovebscott.com because that was the only place I could find the album cover.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Today, after serving nine years in prison, Belizean bad boy Shyne is being released. Back in 2001 he was found guilty of assault and attempted murder during that infamous shootout in an NY club while his then boss, Diddy was found not guilty [SHOCKER!!] When Shyne first came out, I just knew I was in love. [I'm always in love, right? ha ha] I loved his voice, his flow, his music, just his whole aura. And when I heard "Bonnie & Shyne" it was all over.
"Take you to the balcony, pick you up, so you can look at the city while I'm digging your kitty. Then we drive into the sunset, pull over. Get up on the hood, ma, I ain't done yet."
But yes, as you can see, I'm hella glad he's coming home.
Monday, October 5, 2009
random rant
-Can someone explain to me why Tila Tequila is all on twitter trying to get attention? Psycho bitch is talking about committing suicide. It's always something negative when people talk about her. I paid her no mind until Charlamagne Tha God said "Stop crying out for attention. Threats of Suicide are not gonna make MTV greenlight another season of your show. @officialtila"
From that point on it just gets hella funny. Follow Charlamagne though @cthagod Awww how I wish he would've let Lil Duval get her ass....BURN!!
-Why is breaking up so hard to do?
-God bless Rihanna's stylist because the girl MURDERED Fashion Week. No one can say she ain't a bad bitch.
-Where the hell is R.L. from Next? He was an incredible singer and I was in love with him during the 90's. If you're not familiar with his solo work, get with it. Download "Good Man" and "Good Love." Two great songs.
From that point on it just gets hella funny. Follow Charlamagne though @cthagod Awww how I wish he would've let Lil Duval get her ass....BURN!!
-Why is breaking up so hard to do?
-God bless Rihanna's stylist because the girl MURDERED Fashion Week. No one can say she ain't a bad bitch.
-Where the hell is R.L. from Next? He was an incredible singer and I was in love with him during the 90's. If you're not familiar with his solo work, get with it. Download "Good Man" and "Good Love." Two great songs.
let's get wasted.
as much as a suck ass rapper gucci is, he makes hits. i love this song. "wasted" featuring mr. gimme dat beckayyyy himself, plies.
Sunday, October 4, 2009

Kandi Burruss' fiance AJ was killed during a brawl at Body Tap in Atlanta on Oct. 2nd. Details are still unfolding but AJ was said to be buying the club soon. He died from a severe head injury. I feel so sorry for his kids and especially Kandi. It has to hurt like hell to lose the one you love. RIP Ashley Jewell.
dear lover...
no matter how much shit i talk, no matter how many times i say i hate you, i don't want to be with you, i dont mean the things i say. i can lie to others, i can even lie to you but at the end of the day when i'm alone and its just me and my thoughts, i can't lie to myself.
i still love you. always have, always will. please know this.
i still love you. always have, always will. please know this.
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Friday, October 2, 2009
over before it started!
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