I also hate suck ass weather because it makes me think about him. I'm missing him like crazy right now. He's off in the army, stationed at a base which seems lightyears away. Hard to believe that in 2months, we'll have been together for a year. I've never made it to a year with anyone...its been an off and on thing but still. You get the point. I'll be fucking shocked if we make it though. Too much drama surrounds our relationship.
Right now we're in our "off" period. He says he understands if I want to be single because he can't be there for me and give me the attention I need. Smh...my heart is confused about us. I want to be with him more than anything but I don't know if its right.
I wish I had everything together because I'd definitely share my song "Come Back to Me" with you guys. It's about him and by the title, I'm sure you can tell what I'm trying to express.
Kinda sad now...I shall now go feel depressed and enjoy my Baskin&Robbins
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