Friday, November 20, 2009

`ello gov`nuh!

Yes, I'm back from my short hiatus. People and life were really getting on my nerves so I needed a second to get my head together. Did you miss me? Yes? Yayyy!! No? Screw you.

I have about three weeks left of school and I'm hella excited. This was by far thee worst semester of my college career, I won't even try to fake the funk. Won't go into details but let's just say my daddy father won't be too happy. Oh well. Not feeling him nowadays anyway. He's becoming less and less important to me. That's a whole other story though.

MUST.STAY.ON.TOPIC. Anywho, it just kind of hit me that I'm messing up in school and for what? Like, really? There's no reason to be a fuck-up especially when I'm paying for it! I'm going IN next semester. Gotta get it together, for real this time. No more bullshit.

I'm going shopping tomorrow and next week, I'm doing something I've been saying I was gonna do since I was about fifteen. It's a surprise but next week, I shall reveal it! But tomorrow is bittersweet. Mom is going into the hospital for her surgery and I do not like that. I hate hospitals and I'm always worried for my parents' well being when they go in. I don't trust people and I'm just scared for her.

Butttt the good news is I'm back and I'll be posting even if nobody reads this shit lol go meee!

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