Wednesday, October 28, 2009

computer love.

Let's face it: technology runs the world. From the cell phone craze (I GOTTA GET A BLACKBERRAYY!!) to having everything accessible through the internet including banking, a lot of us don't get out of the house anymore. Kids wanna spend more time watching Spongebob and the Fresh Beat Band (which my kids shall never watch) than going outside and getting down and dirty. I think its a little sad when people let technology run their lives. They sit behind a computer all day, they cancel plans with friends, they don't spend time with family, its just SICKENING.

Wake up call: these "friends" you have online, don't give a shit about you once they get away from the computer. Don't get so hung up on your "twitterfam" that you don't have any real friends outside of them. Some people I know will sit there and go to war with a person they've never met, defend them, the whole nine, then once the computer is off, they don't know what to do with themselves.

What, I ask, is wrong with you?

Finding balance is key people. Spend some time on your phone, on your computer but spend time to chill with friends, go to the movies, or play with your little brother or sister. Don't spend your whole life behind a screen or you'll find that you've become irrevelant in the real world.

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